Something tells me Dana just went with Brooke on this, if her face is any judge. Personally, I wonder just how strong this shield of hers is, if it can send a rubber band shooting off at a straight angle like that instead of bouncing it away.
Just place that teensy-tiny shield -right- in front of the gun in question….
Meh. Better than nothing.
It would work well for guns with laser pointers.
Brooke is simply too awesome.
she’s true: bullets aint that big! ^^
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Something tells me Dana just went with Brooke on this, if her face is any judge. Personally, I wonder just how strong this shield of hers is, if it can send a rubber band shooting off at a straight angle like that instead of bouncing it away.
Just place that teensy-tiny shield -right- in front of the gun in question….
Meh. Better than nothing.
It would work well for guns with laser pointers.
Brooke is simply too awesome.
she’s true: bullets aint that big! ^^