#301 One Other Person
Things are about to get hairy. I just found out at my job that we’re entering SUPER crunch-time, which means increased hours and working there on Saturday as well. This is going to make my twice-a-week updates pretty difficult. I’m going to try to keep them up, though. I haven’t reached a full year of double updates yet. The plan is to get one-and-a-half pages done on Sundays, and finish that second page in the process of the week.
But if things get really bad, the job is coming first. I love my job and I hope to hang onto it for a long time. Crunch time shouldn’t last more than three months so I just gotta hang on.
Having a job you enjoy is a big deal – I’m sure everyone will understand if that happens.
Thank you again for sharing Culture Shock with us!
I have a theory that the witch’s powers come from her shiny pants…and that Tadashi is the only one that can beat her, but has to go on a quest to learn how to talk to girls.
The power of skintight clothes courses through her!
Well then, that throws the “Sally is the witch” theory.
But then how did the witch know about the hug?