#580 Meeting Adjourned
on 07/18/2016
at 3:19 am
I’m back… sorry about the wait.
A few months ago I lost my job. My whole studio got laid off, in fact. It made updating this comic a little tough because I was job hunting. And when I wasn’t job hunting, a weird guilt made it harder to do any work on the comic as I thought, “I should be looking for a job or updating my portfolio.” It made it hard to do anything fun, too.
But it’s all right now. I found a good new job and I think I can get back to the regular update schedule, which was twice a week. Thanks for bearing with me and being patient. I’m really glad to have all of you as readers.
Glad to hear things are getting better on your end, Hawk! As much as I like this comic, if it needs to take second place to your life, that’s understandable. I don’t think anyone would be upset over that.
Glad to hear the good news, Hawk! It’s no fun being laid off – I’m glad you found something new.
Goodness I had no idea! Sorry you had to go through that but I’m really happy you found something new! Where are you at now?
Dang, that’s rough! Glad you found a new job!
Draxenn: I’m now an artist for a small new video game company in the same area.
I for one will be excited to see the games you help produce. Make sure to point out what parts you help create!