#642 Clash 3 by Hawk on 05/04/2017 at 11:06 pm It’s actually been pretty nice to depart from my strict three-row panel layout for a while.
Although, doesn’t current tropes call for yelling “sneak attack” at times like these. 😉
(Or is that one played out.)
@Ztyx: A true Ninja does not yell “Sneak Attack Bitch”. A true ninja just does one and let is speak louder then a hundred words.
That 4th panel is hilarious. You can see the Witch realizing she was going to take a hit. And yep she did.
Luckily she is a witch – a normal human would definately have lost some teeth there.
@Christopher but a comic book ninja always shouts out the name of his/her attack beforehand. So Tadashi is breaking precedent.
I am loving the artwork!