Yes! I love that line about the hairy vagabond!
Also, that keeps things open that they might now be in the future, but rather in an alternate world.
But then again, the elves’ potions were designed for time-travel and they worked out fine to send Brooke to this world.
No magic required to confirm a date!
Hairy vagabond shouts now providing the most accurate news.
That’s SIR Alec to you, Lynnwood. Off with his head!
Yes! I love that line about the hairy vagabond!
Also, that keeps things open that they might now be in the future, but rather in an alternate world.
But then again, the elves’ potions were designed for time-travel and they worked out fine to send Brooke to this world.
Soon, a new character will be introduced into the Culture Shock universe… Mr. Harry Vagabond.