#249 Look Who it is! by Hawk on 07/06/2012 at 12:21 am Chapter: Culture Shock “I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.”
I think someone’s about to o
I think someone’s about to open a can of whoop-ass. Also, I was wondering where the trio of hussies in identical differently colored dresses were 🙂
Sorry about the unfinished post, my fingers became momentarily possessed.
The trio of women are the mob-equivalent to the triplets in Beauty and the Beast.
I don’t feel like the quote has any honest relevance to the scene, but the Terminator quote you put in your comments made me laugh out loud.
Is Alec missing his cape? Hmm, I’m thinking that this is someone else.
Nooo, he’s missing his cape because Mitch tore it off to drag Alec’s body to the sewers, then ran off with it when he heard the police sirens. (Reading the archives straight through has its benefits.)
this doesn’t look like ‘going home’
Wow, to the sewers? That’s nasty…
Well, it’s sort of desecration is what I mean…