#253 Variable Testing
You have to test all the variables to get the full picture. Tadashi is a very scientific ninja. This page is dedicated to my good friend Shayne.
You have to test all the variables to get the full picture. Tadashi is a very scientific ninja. This page is dedicated to my good friend Shayne.
I suspect Alec would not be very open-minded about Brooke’s mustache either.
In my head there was a dramatic orchestral swell accompanying the reveal of mustachioed Tadashi. On a related note, it’s a good thing that I wasn’t drinking anything while reading this page. I’ve heard spit-takes and electronics don’t get along very well.
d’aawww…good old brooke-stache.
Also love that tadashi chose an old-west mustache.
I didn’t know who this guy was until the last panel.
Waiting for Shayne to say, “It’s disguise time!”
At least now he’s actually making an attempt at making himself more desirable.
He should try the full-on beard. It would make a difference.
oh man, this page made me giggle a LOT. Thank you for the dedication. 😀
And like modesty, I love the style you chose for tadashi; freakin hilarious!
I dunno, a vigalante ninja would probably make a fairly good husband if you could convince him to use it to earn the family a living through a low-risk job. + vigilantes still have that fire burning brightly in their hearts
Anyway, he looks better without the moustache, but yeah, a beard might always work…
It looks good on him in the third panel though… maybe if it was a little less full…