Wait… is that a “I (heart) Legolas” t-shirt?
Oh, and Brooke’s apparently become a cat.
Huh? Why? What happened? Is that because of the glasses?
The T-shirt is totally cannon.
Is Brooke now going to start a lucrative career as a lolcat?
Also, bonus valuable life lesson: capes and scarves are totally different. (The more you know…)
She’s not saying Brooke turned into a cat, is she?
Umm… you do realize April 1st has come and gone already, yeah?
great page
Cat. I’m a kitty cat. I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance. Cat. I’m a kitty cat.
Well, it is a *little* late for an April Fool’s gag, so…
She’s a cat.
I’m getting El Goonish Shive vibes form all over here.
That came out of nowhere.
It’s Schrodinger’s spell so she is/isn’t a cat!
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Wait… is that a “I (heart) Legolas” t-shirt?
Oh, and Brooke’s apparently become a cat.
Huh? Why? What happened? Is that because of the glasses?
The T-shirt is totally cannon.
Is Brooke now going to start a lucrative career as a lolcat?
Also, bonus valuable life lesson: capes and scarves are totally different. (The more you know…)
She’s not saying Brooke turned into a cat, is she?
Umm… you do realize April 1st has come and gone already, yeah?
great page
Cat. I’m a kitty cat. I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance. Cat. I’m a kitty cat.
Well, it is a *little* late for an April Fool’s gag, so…
She’s a cat.
I’m getting El Goonish Shive vibes form all over here.
That came out of nowhere.
It’s Schrodinger’s spell so she is/isn’t a cat!