#422 English Practice
I had this EXACT conversation with a little boy in Japan once.
SUPER crunch time has begun at my job now. I can’t make any promises on my update frequency. I’m going to try to keep things going as they are, and at the worst not let it drop below one page a week.
Reminds me of a german bear commercial. Obviously foreing person goes into a “Biergarten” (think Restaurant with a strong focus on beer; mostly limited to the far south of germany).
After looking into his transaltion book he says to the waitress: “I don’t want to buy this carpet, please.”
She brings two beers.
He smiles and thanks her with: “Have a nice trip.”
@Christopher But…what does that have to do with bears?
Actually…have you ever seen Monty Python’s “Dirty Hungarian Phrasebook” sketch? “Come back to my place, bouncy-bouncy, you great poof!” (he was asking how much a pack of cigarettes and box of matches costs)
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