I get the feeling there are quite a few gangs or criminals throughout history that could have been brought to their present, just like there are a few heroes from history. But then again, it just all depends on the events coming in the next few pages. But that Mitchell fellow sounds like a menace. Better keep an eye out for him.
Also I’m not ashamed to say that I figured out who the Haskell mention referred to, but had to look up any Oleson’s online. When I read it I figuratively kicked myself for not getting it. There was a prominent bullie in a show about a little house on a western prairie. Her last name was Oleson. And I think Deep Connection links to the guy who leaked watergate to Woodward and Burnstein. Not sure which names are okay to say on here or not, but I think a made-up name for a government whistle-blower is alright to say. My two bits anyway.
Don’t tell me little Dennis has gone over to the dark side!
That’s a very sparse rolodex. Does he even *need* a rolodex for so few contacts? :/
He really needs to put more time into networking.
This spells trouble for our heroes…
Still sounds expensive in the end
I love the phone.
You know, suddenly I find myself wondering if this mob boss and his gang were transported from the 30’s by the witches magic.
I was about to mock the rolodex, but when I saw the phone… g**-d***…
I get the feeling there are quite a few gangs or criminals throughout history that could have been brought to their present, just like there are a few heroes from history. But then again, it just all depends on the events coming in the next few pages. But that Mitchell fellow sounds like a menace. Better keep an eye out for him.
Also I’m not ashamed to say that I figured out who the Haskell mention referred to, but had to look up any Oleson’s online. When I read it I figuratively kicked myself for not getting it. There was a prominent bullie in a show about a little house on a western prairie. Her last name was Oleson. And I think Deep Connection links to the guy who leaked watergate to Woodward and Burnstein. Not sure which names are okay to say on here or not, but I think a made-up name for a government whistle-blower is alright to say. My two bits anyway.
Stu – given that Hawk worked several characters from Little House on the Prairie into Sally’s back story, I think it’s okay to mention the show. 😀