Calling it: She already heard about the witch – but probably didn’t believe it – from her ancestor, Dana Foxx, and she is now carrying on the family tradition of careers in law enforcement.
Biggest question is if this is how she got involved fighting the witch in the first place. All this timetravel stuff is fun for messing with your brain!
You might just be surprised, Alec.
Calling it: She already heard about the witch – but probably didn’t believe it – from her ancestor, Dana Foxx, and she is now carrying on the family tradition of careers in law enforcement.
@Seth… I believe we’ve seen her before, and she knows about the Witch:
I never thought about her being Foxx’s descendant, though – but now that you mention it, She sure looks a lot like Dana! Good call.
(Let’s see if her last name is Osborne…)
Biggest question is if this is how she got involved fighting the witch in the first place. All this timetravel stuff is fun for messing with your brain!
@Weststide guy: I’m amazed you remembered that. That was… four and a half years ago, and it does not ring any bells for me.