Hawk has created a very elaborate alternate dimension for his readers. I think we have already seen the boss hiding in his little pseudocosm based on the clues he has been leaving around…its all coming full circle…time travelers, super human witch ladies, alien tenants, robot girlfriends, that lady Tadashi keeps getting slapped by, the crazy wild eyed old wizard, the Rubik’s cube patterns encoding intricate messages, Slash playing November Rain, the jokes about AOL discs…its all been painting a picture wherein there is only one possible big boss. A boss so horrible and tragic they will leave children mute and men and women traumatized nobody in all of space or time will be spared from the evil games.
Maybe it’ll be famous character actor Don Knotts!
What if it was secretly Sunny’s parents??
In all seriousness I will be upset if it is secretly someone we’ve known all along.
Two riders were approaching and the wind began to howl.
Hawk has created a very elaborate alternate dimension for his readers. I think we have already seen the boss hiding in his little pseudocosm based on the clues he has been leaving around…its all coming full circle…time travelers, super human witch ladies, alien tenants, robot girlfriends, that lady Tadashi keeps getting slapped by, the crazy wild eyed old wizard, the Rubik’s cube patterns encoding intricate messages, Slash playing November Rain, the jokes about AOL discs…its all been painting a picture wherein there is only one possible big boss. A boss so horrible and tragic they will leave children mute and men and women traumatized nobody in all of space or time will be spared from the evil games.
It’s the African kid Gunter…driven mad with revenge because Roy mailed him brussel sprouts.
WikiLeaks is going to be busy tonight.