#862 Disarm Them
on 12/06/2021
at 11:48 am
Even with everything I have going on right now, I think three weeks is too long to wait for a new page. I’m sorry about that gap. I’m going to try to do better–not just for you readers but to keep the comic moving.
That’s not just any sword, it’s a cutlass. It reminds me of those warriors from Hammerfell. They have curved swords. Curved. Swords.
“Y’Arrr, and so forth!” Awesome!
Hawk, its fine.
I have something i havent updated in months, myself.
Don’t be too hard on yourself.
It is an awesome page.
Pirates suck. Ninjas should always win.
Hawk: “I think three weeks is too long to wait for a new page. I’m sorry about that gap.”
Me: *Looks at the last time I updated my comic* “Naw Hawk, you’re good.”